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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A woman works in a studio with a breathtaking view, symbolizing that her work has given her a new outlook on life. She hangs pentacles on the wall, checking for errors and painting them over and over again if necessary to make sure that she learns how to do it just right. She works long into the night, representing her commitment to her new art.

The Eight of Pentacles is known as the "apprentice card." It means you've taken up a new job, craft, art, or activity. It's not an easy road, for being a beginner brings a hard learning curve and tedious repetition until you get it perfect. Because you have a goal and the passion that comes with a new endeavor, it's likely the bumpy, beginning part of the journey will not discourage you.

If reversed, this card can suggest that you being a nit- picker, too much of a perfectionist, or perhaps a workaholic. It can also mean someone who is finding his or her job boring and tedious.

Use your intuition

  • What does the red trim of her dress indicate?
  • What is the significance of the four candles – why not three or five?

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